 GAO Yuntian,RAN Maoyu,CHI Peifu.Experiment on Repeated Water Absorption Performance of Porous Materials Used for Roof Evaporation and Cooling[J].Journal of Huaqiao University(Natural Science),2019,40(6):741-747.[doi:10.11830/ISSN.1000-5013.201903057]





Experiment on Repeated Water Absorption Performance of Porous Materials Used for Roof Evaporation and Cooling
高云天1 冉茂宇1 池佩富2
1. 华侨大学 建筑学院, 福建 厦门 361021;2. 福建天利高新材料有限公司, 福建 厦门 361021
GAO Yuntian1 RAN Maoyu1 CHI Peifu2
1. College of Architecture, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, China; 2. Fujian Tenlead Advanced Material Limited Company, Xiamen 361021, China
浸润装置 蒸发降温 毛细吸水系数 吸水性能 改性酚醛材料 醋酸纤维材料
infiltrating device evaporation and cooling capillarity coefficient water absorption performance modified phenolic material acetate fiber material
测试改性酚醛材料和醋酸纤维材料的重复吸水性数据,并通过改造原有的浸润吸水装置,实测改性酚醛材料和醋酸纤维材料在单面接触水源状态下的重复浸润的吸水特性曲线.根据前人的相关研究模型,计算两种材料实际的毛细吸水系数曲线并进行评价.结果表明:两种材料初次进行浸润后,吸水性能降低比例均在25%左右;改性酚醛材料快速吸水阶段会维持1 min左右,而醋酸纤维材料快速吸水阶段会维持10 s左右;两种材料实际应用于被动蒸发降温技术时仍需增强重复吸水性能.
The water absorption data of modified phenolic materials and acetate fibers were measured. The water absorption curves of modified phenolic aldehyde and acetate fibers were measured by modifying the original soaking water absorption. Based on the previous research models, the actual capillarity coefficient curves of the two materials were calculated and evaluated. The results show that the water absorption of the two materials decrease by about 25% after the first infiltration; the modified phenolic material will maintain the rapid water absorption stage for 1 min, while the acetate fiber material will maintain the rapid water absorption stage for 10 s; when the two materials are applied to passive evaporation cooling technology, they still need to enhance the repeated water absorption.


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收稿日期: 2019-03-26
通信作者: 冉茂宇(1967-),男,教授,博士,主要从事建筑热工与建筑节能的研究.E-mail:373664489@qq.com.
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51678254); 华侨大学研究生科研创新能力培育计划资助项目 (17013085002)
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-11-20