 WANG Bo,RAN Maoyu.Effect of Different Combinations of Passive Evaporation and Venti-Shading on Thermal Protection and Temperature Reduction of Roof[J].Journal of Huaqiao University(Natural Science),2018,39(5):689-695.[doi:10.11830/ISSN.1000-5013.201804057]





Effect of Different Combinations of Passive Evaporation and Venti-Shading on Thermal Protection and Temperature Reduction of Roof
王波 冉茂宇
华侨大学 建筑学院, 福建 厦门 361021
College of Architecture, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, China
防热降温 多孔质 架空蒸发遮阳 实铺遮阳蒸发 被动蒸发冷却
thermal protection and temperature reduction porous medium venti-shading with evaporation evaporation with venti-shading passive evaporative cooling
In order to investigate the integrated effect of passive evaporation and venti-shading on the thermal protection and temperature reduction of roof, two thermal protection methods of venti-shading with evaporation and evaporation with venti-shading were proposed based on porous medium evaporative cooling. Several small test chambers with concrete roof were set up to test the effects of these two methods on the temperature reduction of roof. The surface temperatures of roof and evaporated water volumes of porous medium were measured in Xiamen typical summer climate conditions. The results show that: comparing with bare concrete roof, the two methods with porous medium evaporation can obviously reduce the surface temperatures of roof, but the difference between them is not obvious. Comparing to the method of venti-shading with evaporation, the method of evaporation with venti-shading consumes much less water evaporation volume during the daylight, and little more evaporation volume at night. The overall performance is that the water consumption is significantly reduced in the method of evaporation with venti-shading, which has a better continuous cooling effect. In the method of venti-shading with evaporation, the water evaporation rate of porous medium is mainly related to solar radiation; in the method of evaporation with venti-shading, the water evaporation rate is also related to other factors, such as ambient temperature and humidity, wind speed, sun visor heat radiation and so on.


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收稿日期: 2017-03-29
通信作者: 冉茂宇(1967-),男,教授,博士,主要从事建筑热工与建筑节能的研究.E-mail:373664489@qq.com.
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51678254); 华侨大学研究生科研创新能力培育计划资助项目(16113050 07)http://www.hdxb.hqu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-09-20