 LI Wei,WANG Qiuhua,HE Shuqiang.Empiricism on Several Integrated Resource-Based Invasion Hypotheses Using Algal Microcosms[J].Journal of Huaqiao University(Natural Science),2016,37(5):601-605.[doi:10.11830/ISSN.1000-5013.201605015]





Empiricism on Several Integrated Resource-Based Invasion Hypotheses Using Algal Microcosms
李伟1 王秋华23 何淑嫱1
1. 西南林业大学 云南生物多样性研究院, 云南 昆明 650224;2. 西南林业大学 土木工程学院, 云南 昆明 650224;3. 西南林业大学 云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室, 云南 昆明 650224
LI Wei1 WANG Qiuhua23 HE Shuqiang1
1. Yunnan Academy of Biodiversity, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China; 2. College of Civil Engineering, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China; 3. Yunnan Key Laboratory of Forest Disaster Warning and Control, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China
养分资源 竞争能力 入侵实验 微藻系统
nutrient resources competitive ability invasion experiment algal microcosms
构建实验微藻群落,通过单培养的方式获取各微藻的生长特征参数,以反映其内禀特征和预测其竞争地位.混合培养所有微藻,对微藻竞争结果的理论预测进行实验验证,并开展一系列入侵模拟实验.实验结果表明:纤细角星鼓藻(Staurastrum gracile)在竞争过程中始终保持优势地位,并且能够成功入侵单建种群落,但当被引入由多个微藻组成的共建种群落时其竞争优势不再明显.
Laboratory-based algal microcosms were established, and the growth parameters of algal species in monoculture were obtained in order to reflect their inherent traits and predict their competitive ability. All algal species were also cultured in mixture to empirically test theoretical predictions regarding their competitive ability, and a series of algal invasion experiments were carried out. The experimental results showed that Staurastrum gracile could use limited resources in a more efficient way than other algal species. It was the best competitor, and could successfully invade the established resident community with a low level of diversity. However, it lost its competitive advantage when introduced into the established resident community with a high level of diversity despite its superior competitive ability.


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收稿日期: 2015-12-30
通信作者: 李伟(1978-),男,副研究员,博士,主要从事群落生态学和环境生态学的研究.E-mail:54430368@qq.com.
基金项目: 教育部归国留学人员科研启动基金资助项目(214201); 西南林业大学科研启动基金资助项目(111403)
更新日期/Last Update: 2016-09-20