 SUN Hui,LIN Jian-ming,TANG Qun-wei,et al.Synthesis,Properties and Characterization of PAA/St Semi-IPN Hydrogel Using Two-Steps Aqueous Polymerization[J].Journal of Huaqiao University(Natural Science),2009,30(1):45-52.[doi:10.11830/ISSN.1000-5013.2009.01.0045]





Synthesis,Properties and Characterization of PAA/St Semi-IPN Hydrogel Using Two-Steps Aqueous Polymerization
SUN Hui LIN Jian-ming TANG Qun-wei WU Ji-huai
Institute of Material Physical Chemistry, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362021, China
互穿网络水凝胶 两步水溶液聚合 聚丙烯酸盐 淀粉 凝胶强度
interpenetrating network hydrogel two-steps aqueous polymerization polyacrylate starch hydrogel strengh
采用新型两步水溶液聚合法,合成聚丙烯酸盐/淀粉半互穿网络(PAA/St semi-IPN)水凝胶.研究淀粉用量、pH值和离子强度对水凝胶溶胀率和溶胀速率的影响,并采用Flory理论对水凝胶进行拟合.实验结果表明:在一价阳离子盐溶液中,水凝胶的溶胀度与Flory理论符合较好; 对于高价阳离子溶液,Flory理论只能用于定性分析,而不能用于定量计算.相对于传统的水凝胶,PAA/St semi-IPN水凝胶具有较高的机械强度.最后,利用红外光谱、扫描电子显微镜和热重分析对PAA/St semi-IPN进行表征.
Polyacrylate/starch semi-interpenetrating network(PAA/St semi-IPN) hydrogel was synthesized using a novel two-steps aqueous polymerization method.The influences of starch content,pH value,and ionic strength on swelling ratio and swelling rate of PAA/St semi-IPN hydrogels were investigated.The fitting curves of Flory theory to swelling ratio of hydrogels revealed that the swelling ratios in univalent solution were coincident with the Flory theory.While for multivalent salt solutions,Flory theory could only be used as qualitative analysis.Compared with conventional hydrogels,the PAA/St semi-IPN hydrogels synthesized using two-steps aqueous polymerization method had excellent mechanical strength.The structures and morphologies of PAA/St semi-IPN hydrogels were detailedly characterized by Fourier transform infrared(FTIR),scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and thermogravimetry anlaysis(TGA).


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福建省科技重大专项项目(07HZ0001-3); 福建省科技重点项目(0770010); 福建省“小发明、小创造”扶持基金资助项目(2007年度)
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