 WANG Lin,CHEN Xing-wei.Review of Study on Watershed Runoff Simulation Based on SWAT[J].Journal of Huaqiao University(Natural Science),2008,29(1):6-10.[doi:10.11830/ISSN.1000-5013.2008.01.0006]





Review of Study on Watershed Runoff Simulation Based on SWAT
福建师范大学地理科学学院; 福建师范大学地理科学学院 福建福州350007; 福建福州350007
WANG Lin CHEN Xing-wei
College of Geographical Science, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China
SWAT模型 径流模拟 模拟效率 研究进展
soil and water assessment tool model runoff simulation the simulation efficiency research development
分析国内外应用SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型模拟流域径流的研究现状,以及流域模型构建,包括流域基础数据和模拟算法的选取、敏感性参数的分析和模型输出的验证.提出模型的应用研究存在3个问题:(1)模型模拟效率受到基础数据和主观因素的综合影响,而已有的成果参数选取缺乏可比性,大多侧重某个因素如何影响模型效率的研究.(2)流量是各种水文过程综合作用的结果,已有模型验证方法研究多是采用流域出口总径流量模拟效率来检验模型的适用性,这使得模型在水文过程模拟中缺乏可靠性.(3)模型应用研究主要进行土地覆被变化和气候波动的水文效应研究,且多是建立在虚拟情景和简化影响因素基础上.因此,在模型的应用研究上需要综合考虑影响因素,以提高模型模拟效率问题.
The current status of the application of SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model on watershed runoff simulation and model construction,including the selections of the basic data and different hydrological simulation methods,the analysis of sensitivity parameters and model validation are introduced and analyzed.There are three issues on the model application:(1) The selections of the basic data and subjective factors synthetically affect the simulation efficiency of the model.The research results lack comparability,which emphasize particularly on the simulation efficiency of the model affected by certain factor.(2) Runoff is a synthetical effect of different hydrological processes.The total runoff yield simulation of the watershed is used to evaluated the applicability of the model in most of research results,which make the results lack reliability in the simulation of hydrological processes.(3) The hydrological response to land use-cover changes and climate changes are simulated in the model application,but the simulation are mostly based on the virtual scenarios and factor simplification.So the influence factors should be synthetically analyzed in the research of model application to improve the simulation efficiency of the model.


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