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Review on Reversible Conduction Nonlinearity in Polymer/Conducting Filler Composites
华侨大学材料科学与工程学院; 华侨大学材料科学与工程学院 福建泉州362021; 福建泉州362021
Lin Hongfei Lu Wei Chen Guohua
College of Material Science and Engineering, Huaqiao University, 362021, Quanzhou, China
导电复合材料 聚合物 非线性导电行为 导电机理
conducting composite polymer nonlinear conduction behavior electrical conducting mechanism
Two kinds of nonlinear conduction behavior for polymer based conducting composites can be classified: One is the irreversibly electrical nonlinearity taking place in extreme conditions owing to application of high voltage or current; the other one is reversibly electrical nonlinearity occurring in moderate conditions due to application of small bias or current.In this paper,reversibly nonlinear transport in both DC response and AC response and relatively electrical conduction mechanism of polymer/conducting filler composites were reviewed,and the potential applications of polymer/conducting filler composites is outlooked.


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