 Jiang Kaiyong,Liu Bin,Li Hongyou.Status Quo and Trend of the Study on Fast Forming Technique[J].Journal of Huaqiao University(Natural Science),2006,27(1):1-6.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-5013.2006.01.001]





Status Quo and Trend of the Study on Fast Forming Technique
华侨大学机电及自动化学院; 华侨大学机电及自动化学院 福建泉州362021; 福建泉州362021
Jiang Kaiyong Liu Bin Li Hongyou
College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Huaqiao University, 362021, Quanzhou, China
快速成形 成形材料 软件技术 工艺装备
rapid prototyping forming material software technique process equipment
By developing and applying material of forming or shaping,forming quality can be promoted,prototype application can be broadened,and new RP process can be developed.Software is the core of rapid prototyping technology.The field of rapid prototyping technology where commercial software involved is an obvious trend of software technique development at present.The research on various new technological method and technological equipment based on the principle of rapid prototyping as well as the development of desktop equipment and functionalizing equipment,are two R & D big trends in developing new RP equipment.


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福建省自然科学基金资助项目(E0410021); 福建省科技计划重点基金资助项目(2003H002)
更新日期/Last Update: 2014-03-23