 WANG Menghao,FANG Huijuan,GONG Hengxiang,et al.Electro-Encephalogram Feature Extraction and Recognition Using Multi-Scale Hybrid Neural Network[J].Journal of Huaqiao University(Natural Science),2023,44(5):628-635.[doi:10.11830/ISSN.1000-5013.202306016]





Electro-Encephalogram Feature Extraction and Recognition Using Multi-Scale Hybrid Neural Network
王蒙昊12 方慧娟12 龚亨翔12 罗继亮12
1. 华侨大学 信息科学与工程学院, 福建 厦门361021;2. 华侨大学 福建省电机控制与系统优化调度工程技术研究中心, 福建 厦门 361021
WANG Menghao12 FANG Huijuan12GONG Hengxiang12 LUO Jiliang12
1. College of Information Science and Engineering, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, China; 2. Fujian Engineering Technology Research Center of Motor Control and System Optimal Schedule, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, China
卷积神经网络 通道注意力机制 脑电识别 特征提取
convolutional neural network channel attention mechanism EEG recognition feature extraction
为了解决脑电信号特征提取能力不足导致的分类准确率不高的问题,提出一种全新的混合神经网络模型(EEG-MSTNet模型),实现脑电信号的时-频-空域特征提取和识别.首先,EEG-MSTNet模型采用一种适合脑电信号特点的多尺度卷积,提取4组不同大小卷积核的特征,并拼接在一起,从而增强对原始脑电信号的时频域提取能力.其次,通过通道注意力机制进一步提取信号的空间特征和高维时域特征,最终用于脑电信号识别.EEG-MSTNet模型在BCI Competition Ⅳ Dataset 2a 数据集上进行测试,结果表明:EEG-MSTNet模型的每个模块都对分类准确率的提升做出了贡献,最高分类准确率为95.83%,平均准确率为83.52%,明显优于其他模型.
In order to solve of low classification accuracy problem caused by insufficient feature extraction ability of electro-encephalogram signals, a novel hybrid neural network model(EEG-MSTNet model)is proposed to achieve time-frequency-spatial domain feature extraction and recognition of EEG signals. Firstly, EEG MSTNet model adopts a multi-scale convolution that is suitable for the characteristics of EEG signals, four sets of features of different sizes convolutional kernels are extracted, and they are concatenated together to enhance the time-frequency domain extraction ability of the original EEG signals. Secondly, the spatial features and high-dimensional temporal domain features of the signals are further extracted through the channel attention mechanism, and ultimately used for EEG signals recognition. The EEG-MSTNet model is tested on the BCI Competition Ⅳ Dataset 2a dataset, the results show that each module of the EEG-MSTNet model contri- to the improvement of classification accuracy, with a maximum classification accuracy of 95.83% and an average accuracy of 83.52%, which is significantly better than that of the other models.


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收稿日期: 2023-06-16
通信作者: 方慧娟(1979-),女,讲师,博士,主要从事脑机接口、脑电数据分析、Petri网、智能控制和机器人的研究.E-mail:huijuan.fang@163.com.
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61973130)http://www.hdxb.hqu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-09-20