 LI Weida,YE Liangling,ZHENG Lixin,et al.Improved Deep Learning Detection Algorithm for Unsafe Escalator Behavior[J].Journal of Huaqiao University(Natural Science),2022,43(1):119-126.[doi:10.11830/ISSN.1000-5013.202105059]





Improved Deep Learning Detection Algorithm for Unsafe Escalator Behavior
李伟达12 叶靓玲12 郑力新12 朱建清12 曾远跃3 林俊杰3
1. 华侨大学 工学院, 福建 泉州 362021;2. 华侨大学 工业智能化与系统福建省高校工程研究中心, 福建 泉州 362021;3. 福建省特种设备检验研究院 泉州分院, 福建 泉州 362021
LI Weida12 YE Liangling12 ZHENG Lixin12ZHU Jianqing12 ZHENG Yuanyue3 LIN Junjie3
1. College of Engineering, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362021, China; 2. Industrial Intelligence and System Fujian University Engineering Research Center, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362021, China; 3. Quanzhou Branch of Special Equipment Inspection Research Institute, Quanzhou 362021, China
扶梯 不安全行为 目标检测 YOLOv5s CBAM模块 Ghost卷积模块
escalator unsafe behavior object detection YOLOv5s CBAM module Ghost convolution module
An improved deep learning detection algorithm for unsafe escalator behavior was proposed. The algorithm is based on the YOLOv5s network model, introduces the attention mechanism CBAM module, and reconstructs the convolution operation of the network model based on the Ghost convolution module. It is trained and evaluated on the self-collected escalator unsafe behavior data set. The results show that the proposed algorithm has improved the detection accuracy while greatly reducing the amount of parameters and calculation required for detection.


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收稿日期: 2021-05-23
通信作者: 郑力新(1967-),男,教授,博士,主要从事光电检测与智能计算的研究.E-mail:zlxgxy@hqu.edu.cn.
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(61976098); 福建省泉州市高层次人才创新创业项目(2020C042R); 福建省科技计划项目(2020Y0039)
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-01-20